Friday, January 30, 2009

When I re-opened my altered book this morning I was struck by the experience of just being grateful. This fabulous book is a collaboration of some wonderfully warm and creative women that I had the pleasure of spending a laughter-filled evening with.  What a great gift and memory.  And, even as I look at it now, I can see that it has more to tell me.  For instance, I've journaled about the quotes being "black and white" and me feeling more grayish and yet the colors I chose to journal and doodle with were black and white!  As Monic so aptly put it, "huh".  Regardless, though, of what I see or discover, what is already there are beautiful colors, quirky stamps, thought-provoking quotes and terrific memories, and that's enough in itself.

So, a heartfelt thanks to all of you who began this adventure with us.   I believe that it's going to be a fun ride!  I'm already excited to see you again next month.  And, for anyone who is curious and thinking about being part of this amazing group, please do.   We promise you'll be warmly welcomed and quickly at ease!


A Community of Courage

Less than a day after our first Woman, Wine and a Paintbrush evening, I am reflecting on how inspired I am by all the really cool women we shared our night with. Lori and I chose to lead everyone down a road of uncertainty, and they all willingly and cheerfully allowed themselves to go there. Why?... you might ask. Well, we knew that most folks often get hung up on needing to have a measure of control over our efforts, particularly creative ones. And, yet, we are often quick to judge our own creative efforts quite harshly. And, so we moved these adventurous women down a road of creative activity that did not allow for any control at all. (The project was an altered book done collaboratively, with a different person completing each layer.) Perhaps it was difficult for some, and perhaps it was completely frustrating for others, and I believe it was fun and liberating as well if one successfully reached the place of "letting go". What I do know is that all were willing to go into uncharted creative territory and be uncomfortable with the process in it's various stages. With this, I am inspired...and grateful. A community of women to share a creative journey is a blessing to me. And, to know that they are willing to allow themselves to be uncomfortable at times is so inspiring. I love that about women friends - we are willing to learn about ourselves, to grow and to stretch, to be vulnerable in the presence of one another, to grapple with our desire to have a measure of creative control, and to laugh at ourselves in the process. I believe this is what makes us women powerful. So...KUDOS to all you brave ladies who joined us on a journey of creative experimentation. I hope we have only just begun to show each other what we are capable of and you will continue this creative adventure with us in the coming months.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Creative Connections / Wine, Women and a Paintbrush

"You use a glass mirror to see your face;  
you use works of art to see your soul." 
                           George Bernard Shaw

Over the last couple of weeks, Cheryl and I have been following a blog from Milliande - check out her incredible zentangle to the right - who has created an amazing community of like-minded souls who love to create and want to stay connected to others doing similar things.   You can, and should, read more about her at We think she is absolutely fabulous!

Every time I read one of her new posts, I'm inspired to get out my paints and journals and all other paraphenalia and get after it.  The problem so far has been that I don't make the time (not that I've had much extra lately).  But even when I do, my creativity hasn't been nearly the priority that I want and need it to be.  That's a big part of the reason that I'm so excited about our upcoming Creative Connections and Wine, Women and a Paintbrush workshops.  Both prepping for them and then being a part of them will ensure that I'm actively creating and not leaving it for when I have a moment, after everything else is done and before I finally collapse at the end of busy days!

Both workshops, weekly on Tuesday days and once a month on Thursday evenings, will be full of learning new things, creating fabulous projects, and making the most of those 3 hours that you've set aside for yourself each week or each month.  Cheryl and I have oodles of ideas, all designed to get a little introspective, laugh at ourselves sometimes, and keep the whole thing more creative than artistic.  That said though, Cheryl is an accomplished artist who can help you build your skills in a number of media.

We are starting out with a January to June offering for Thursday evening, and a March to June session for the daytime.  Hopefully you'll be inspired to stay with us in the fall as well cause we have great ideas for those months too.  Actually, we have enough ideas for years to come but that's getting a little ahead of ourselves!

Here are the particulars:

Tuesdays, starting March 3 from 12 - 3 pm.  At Willowridge Community Centre, 680 Acadia Drive SE.

The third Thursday of each month, starting January 29.  From 7 - 10 pm. Same location.  Which, by the way, is fantastic!  Lots of parking and big, sunny windows that look out over lots of green space, so we may have a chance to get outside when the weather suits us.

Cost and Materials
$40.00 per session gets you 3 hours of creative fun, most of the materials needed, nibbles (contributions gratefully accepted each week), and inspiration galore.  We'll make sure you either finish your project completely in class time or help you access the things you need to keep you happily creating at home in between.

So, if you, like us, are in the mood to spend this year reflecting and growing, connecting with interesting people, and creating, join us. Email us here through the box at the left or call either Cheryl 403.542.6241 or Lori 403.452.4085.  It's going to be a blast!

Lori and Cheryl