When I re-opened my altered book this morning I was struck by the experience of just being grateful. This fabulous book is a collaboration of some wonderfully warm and creative women that I had the pleasure of spending a laughter-filled evening with. What a great gift and memory. And, even as I look at it now, I can see that it has more to tell me. For instance, I've journaled about the quotes being "black and white" and me feeling more grayish and yet the colors I chose to journal and doodle with were black and white! As Monic so aptly put it, "huh". Regardless, though, of what I see or discover, what is already there are beautiful colors, quirky stamps, thought-provoking quotes and terrific memories, and that's enough in itself.
So, a heartfelt thanks to all of you who began this adventure with us. I believe that it's going to be a fun ride! I'm already excited to see you again next month. And, for anyone who is curious and thinking about being part of this amazing group, please do. We promise you'll be warmly welcomed and quickly at ease!