Monday, May 30, 2011

Our Last Post At This Location

We are growing and evolving, as always. And, as part of our evolution we have moved over here:
Wine, Women And A Paintbrush

Come visit us and see what new, exciting things we are up to and ideas we have to share with you!

Lori and Cheryl.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What an inspiring project -

This brings tears to my eyes. I know too many little girls (and bigger ones) who don't believe this. I want it to run in schools everywhere. Maybe we can begin to adjust the horrible messaging that we are all receiving that beautiful looks only like the model on the cover of Vogue.

Here's how it started...

and here's the completed project...

You should download this...

Print out a couple or all of them and put it where you can see it everyday. Then... let it sink in, believe it, roll around in it a bit, and let it be how you go out into the world.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

for those afraid of lettering...

This is such a great video about how easy it is to create interesting lettering for your art journals and canvases.

Lettering for Your Art Journal from Julie Balzer on Vimeo.

I'm a big fan of her blog too... there's tons of inspiration and she's very generous with her "how-tos" as in this journal spread. So interesting to see how it transforms in the process.

Monday, April 4, 2011

on love and vulnerability

You will love this!

I happened on Christy Tomlinson's first online workshop - She-Art - signed up on a whim, and have been thoroughly enjoying it for the last few weeks. She has such a warmth that you just want to grab a cup of coffee and hang out "with her". (Watching her videos). It was a three week process, with new videos of inspiration and techniques uploaded each week and lots of time to watch - I think they are up through April.

I'm taking the next one and thought you might want too, too. It's worth every penny of the very inexpensive $35! Sign up here. Plus I think you'll like her site. Be careful, though, I got a little carried away in her online store.....

A course you should know about - especially since it starts tomorrow!

soul-restoration-1-and-2.jpgI just took this workshop and would highly recommend it if you are up for a pretty intense life review! I was challenged by it, inspired by it, and moved by it. It's a wonderfully creative way to create some space for yourself, and ultimately understand yourself better. The brave girls ladies have created an online offering, with lots and lots of videos of both how tos and inspiration. They also provide all the materials you need - you just print them out - I loved that part. It created such ease. I could add my own materials if I felt like it but otherwise everything else was there. It has a time line on it which is generous but ultimately it comes to an end, so if you are not in a place when you have time to keep up, it might not be right for you. They do, however, allow you to take it again for just $25. Here's the link - Soul Restoration.

Symbols and Labels

In preparing for this month's Wine, Women and a Paintbrush, I was thinking alot about the "labels" I wear these days. Mostly, they are Chauffeur, Chef, and Spectator and, while I am 100% behind my kids and their passions, I'm not always fulfilled by the routines and responsibilities that that brings for me. So, after reading Jennifer Swift's book, Creative Bloom, I thought it would be fun to create new labels or symbols that help us to remember who else we are. And, as is always the case at WW&P, everyone went off on their own tangent! Which is exactly what Cheryl and I hoped for when we designed this offering. A place to take the materials we provide and explore and play to your heart's content.

This particular evening was delightfully intimate (just 5 of us) and, as such, was full of deep thought and conversation. And outcomes. Included below are: a remembrance of life, inspiration for managing the day's activities, the fun of play, a reminder of flow, peace and joy, and a gift for someone who inspires.

This project is an easy one to do at home. Just head over to Home Depot for some rebar tie wire and flush wire cutters. Then put on some play clothes and bend away. The book mentioned above is great for whimsical inspiration and even comes on the Kindle!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Inner Critic

Whew. This one was a little sombre. I guess I should have known that when women are faced with looking at their inner critic (or outer critics), we are ultra hard on ourselves and tend to not only look at but feel all the things that we think are wrong or not working. And, with lives that are so full of responsibilities, expectations and choices, it's easy to pay way more attention to the things that aren't
getting done or that aren't working or good enough instead of looking at all that we are and all that we accomplish.
Luckily, part of the exercise was a second portrait that reflected the opposite of the critic - based on questions like - "what are your gifts?" what's wonderful about you?" what can you say to the inner critic to get a little space and a little perspective?". And despite having gone so far down the path of yuck, I think we all got there and I think it shows in the artwork. I don't think that most women take enough, if any, time to pat themselves on the backs and review their successes - at least the personal ones. It's all about perspective - looking at the big picture - life as a whole - not just the pieces that aren't working in this moment.
Inspiration for this project came from several artists - you might want to take a further look. The portraits themselves are a wonderfully simple, rewarding process developed by Pam Carriker. She has a great video on her site that walks you through it. The inner critic/gremlin part was inspired by a book by Diana Trout - Journal Spilling - and another online artist - Violette.

Thanks to the ladies who put their hearts into this evening - I hope that it has tempered some of that endless nattering from the critic and reminded you about how fabulous you really are!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Right Brain Planning

I've just added a link at the bottom right of the blog that might interest you. Jennifer Lee's Right Brain Business Planning Summit started today and I've just spent an hour listening and looking around her site. There is lots of creative inspiration there and, if you are in the midst of business building or planning creative projects, you might want to catch the rest of the 10 days of webinars. It's so great to have access to like-minded people who are making it easier for those of us who think, plan, and dream creatively to do that without feeling so "black sheepish"!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Try Odosketch

This is fun! Love the pastel colors and the crayony, watercolory feel of the drawing. It's always a little frustrating to try to draw with a mouse but these give such pretty results, it's worth a try. Here's the link - odosketch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A wonderful start to 2011

January's Wine, Women and a Paintbrush was an inspiring start to the new year. Part of the process this time was exchanging a finished prayer flag anonymously. I always love how that turns out, the synchronicities blow me away. And I think it reminds everyone there how amazing the group is. There is never a dull moment, the opportunities to learn are endless, and everyone's support for each other really is heartwarming. If you've been considering joining us, believe me, you'll be hard pressed to find as welcoming and interesting a group as this!

Friday, January 14, 2011

one more that i have to add!

I've been signed up to this group - which is free by the way - for quite a while but have just gotten around to participating. And, I'm impressed! Tam, at Willowing and Artist Friends, has generously offered this course for free, has obviously put lots of heart and time into it, and I'm excited about its contents. There are all kinds of other courses and creativity on her site as well. Well worth a look.

some help in making creativity part of your daily life

Every January I wonder how I can be more creative in the year ahead. (And keep it up past January). Fit more projects in, make journalling or painting or sewing more of a priority as opposed to letting it sit on the back burner - as it often does - while I race around attending to all the other "priorities". Fortunately, there are artists out there who understand! And who've, either on their own, or in groups, have created projects and challenges for people just like me - to provide daily, weekly or monthly inspiration to make the time and enjoy the process. I've discovered three sketching/art journalling ones so far and have put their badges on the right side of this blog so that you can check them out. I love that each of them is a mix of inspiration, technique and support. Now to find the time to fit them ALL in!

And... if you have lots of time and really want to go down the rabbit hole, check this out! What a fantastic art journal reference post... Rhomany's Realm.