Every January I wonder how I can be more creative in the year ahead. (And keep it up past January). Fit more projects in, make journalling or painting or sewing more of a priority as opposed to letting it sit on the back burner - as it often does - while I race around attending to all the other "priorities". Fortunately, there are artists out there who understand! And who've, either on their own, or in groups, have created projects and challenges for people just like me - to provide daily, weekly or monthly inspiration to make the time and enjoy the process. I've discovered three sketching/art journalling ones so far and have put their badges on the right side of this blog so that you can check them out. I love that each of them is a mix of inspiration, technique and support. Now to find the time to fit them ALL in!
And... if you have lots of time and really want to go down the rabbit hole, check this out! What a fantastic art journal reference post...
Rhomany's Realm.