Saturday, May 30, 2009

The theme for MAY was listening, paying attention to where you are right now.  What's going on in your world that you are or could be noticing.  It brought up all kinds of creativity as you can see from the pictures below.

I've had a number of people tell me lately that they just aren't "creative" and are not sure if they'd be a good fit with our evenings.  I think that translates to "would I enjoy it or would I just be frustrated with not being good enough, artistic enough, whatever enough?"  It's a good question - how can you enjoy something if you are not comfortable with the outcome - what if it doesn't meet your expectations?  Was the time you spent in the activity worth it?

For anyone reading this, wondering if taking part is right for them, look at the images below. Everyone of them tells a meaningful story about its creator.  Lots of thought and reflection and "effort" went into each of these and they turned out perfectly - as they always do.  But more importantly, the joy is in the process, in the being with other wonderful, friendly, inspirational women.  Seeing something about yourself in the work that others do.  Actually chilling (as my son would say) for a whole three hours and allowing yourself to totally (well usually almost) get caught up in yourself and your life.  

We are wrapping up for the summer with a bang on June 19.  It will be a creative celebration of the beginning of summer.  If you've been thinking of coming, come!  We would all love to meet you!

Friday, May 22, 2009

For those of you interested in the metal working we did in last month's workshop, you might want to spend some time at this site.  Nina Bagley's blog at is absolutely wonderful - her posts, her photos and her jewellry are so inspiring.  Take some time to really scour the site - this photo above is just one of many examples of her work.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


April's Wine, Women and a Paintbrush was NOISY!  But the "results" were spectacular and the evening, as usual, lots of fun.